Hi, I’m Julie and I’m not going to fix you.

Why?  Because you’re not broken.

I will, however, be your biggest cheerleader, friend, mentor and guide as we navigate how to be healthy and sane in this crazy world of “too much”.  Too much information that always seem to contradict each other. Too many diets, lifestyles and programs to choose from. Too many gadgets, pills and products that promise everything from better health to happiness.

We’ll work to end the endless dieting, excessive exercising, and bad body image so that you can be free to be you and best of all, your kids won’t face the same fate that you inherited.

I'm a gluten-bashing, eat-your-veggies kind of person. A shorts-and-t-shirt-wearing mother of two. I ran a natural pet food boutique for 15 years, feel like dogs should be treated as humans and like to chase after shiny, sugary objects. Especially chocolate.

My grandmother’s dying words to me were “Don’t try so hard”. I now try too hard to follow that advice.  

I've struggled with body image, confidence and food my whole life. As a youngster, I lived in a world that accepted TV dinners and sugar with a smile. As an adolescent, I used food to control my body, celebrate a good grade or numb post-break-up sadness. Food was the answer to everything.

I'd like to be one of those bloggers who tell you how their diet or lifestyle or fitness program changed their lives and they've never been happier or healthier.  But I'm not. I still battle sugar addiction. I still have health issues that no amount of supplements, cleanses or doctor appointments has seemed to crack.

But I love this world of health and wellness. I love to learn. And grow. And sweat on my way to becoming strong. I’m inspired by the idea of a better, safer, healthier world.  I love the community.  I love the cookbooks.  I love the products. And I love the science behind it.  It's why I became a Primal Health Coach and a Mind, Body, Nutrition Coach through the Institute for the Psychology of Eating.

Want to get in touch?